Born in 1970, works and lives in Paris.
Alexis Fraikin’s intimist works immerse the spectator into a gentle contemplation.
Delicacy of nostalgic tones, subtle plays of transparencies and juxtapositions of color, predominance of greens, refinement of form and style, softness and harshness fraternize in a unique poetry.
Abandoning the superfluous to give center stage to refined compositions.
Enigmatic flowers and everyday objects inspire melancholy and anxiety, capture our fears of leaving an agonizing world, and our apprehensions of an uncertain future.
Through a table, a vase or a tree, the most ordinary scenes call us to stand back and think, to look at our life in its permanent contradiction, that embodies a balance of lightness and gravity.
Alexis alternates paint with ink, pencil, or ball-pen drawings to drag us into his singular world, that leave us a strange sense of déjà vu…
The world of our dreams and childhood?
The 2019 Chinese exhibition allowed Alexis Fraikin to confront his conception of nature with that of Chinese Wu Ying Hui and Franco-American Michel Alexis.
His book inspired by La Fontaine’s works shows us his love for the animal kingdom and his fear to see it disappear.
“…we are distracted, and we sometimes get lost in an abundance of material idols when the living world that lay before our very eyes is a provider of endless wonder, as Artist Alexis Fraikin reminds us in this beautiful opus”, wrote Nicolas Hulot in the foreword to the book.
Two recent exhibitions hosted by the Galerie de Puybaudet in Paris showcased the book’s original drawings.
2020 - Galerie Laurent de Puybaudet, Paris
2019 - 3 artists , Reinventing nature. Art Tree Museum , Pékin, Chine
2018 - Galerie Laurent de Puybaudet, Paris
2015 - Rétrospective Espace Artèvie, Lorrez le bocage
2014 - Galerie Antoine de Macedo, Paris
2013 - Galerie Vera Emsallem, Paris
2010 - Galerie Brun Leglise
2009 - Galerie Brun Leglise, Paris
2008 - ArteBA ,Buenos Aires // Galerias ArteMultiple et Brun Leglise
2007 - Galerie Brun Leglise, Paris
2006 - Galerie Brun Leglise // ArteBA ,Buenos Aires et Galeria ArteMultiple
2006 - Galerie Brun Leglise, Paris
2005 - Galerie Brun Leglise // Galerie Saint Germain, Los Angeles // Galerie Laurent de Puybaudet, Paris
2004 - Galerie Brun Leglise, Paris
2003 - Galerie Laurent de Puybaudet, Paris
2002 - Montmart Fund, Paris //Galerie Studio de l'Image, Paris
2001 - Galerie Laurent de Puybaudet, Paris
Musée Charles de Gaulle Colombey les deux églises
Unesco Paris
Conseil général des Yvelines
Indonesian French consulat
La Fontaine et les temps modernes. 2020. Editions du ravin bleu.
Alexis Fraikin 2006-2016. Editions du huitième jour.
Exhibitions catalogs 2009, 2013, 2019, 2020
Works presented on the website are a representative selection.
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